NeuroMovement® sessions for individuals are usually booked in blocks called Intensives which are either in person or online. Occasionally we offer individual lessons, usually to adults, or to children who have already completed an Intensive.
In person sessions are an opportunity to benefit from NeuroMovement via direct hands-on work with Sean. Online sessions are an opportunity for you to experience and be coached in NeuroMovement from your own home, or for parents/carers to enhance their own brain and nervous system so that the day to day life of their child is directly impacted. Both methods are extremely valuable in their own right, and can also work well together.
In-Person Intensives usually involve two sessions per day for four days running. They last 30-40 minutes, with at least 3 hours between sessions.
In the sessions you will be lying, sitting or standing and the practitioner will move you or your child slowly, subtly and gently at first. It looks like simple slow movement, stretching or massage and each practitioner has been trained to use highly skilful movements, along with the 9 Essentials to give vital information to the brain through the nervous system. All the while the practitioner is very responsive to the impact and response in the client. The movement gradually becomes more dynamic and similar to daily life movement. This gradual process enables the brain to wake up to more of its potential and can cause dramatic and lasting changes, for both children and adults.
As the lessons go on you will discover more freedom, strength and vitality in the movement of not only your body, but also your thinking and emotions, which is intrinsically linked to our ability to adaptively move and interact with the world around us.
This involves online sessions where you will be supported in real time through NeuroMovement lessons via Zoom, so you learn how you can wake up your brain and discover more ease and vitality of your movement, thinking and emotions. The practitioner talks with you, watches what you are doing and coaches you to apply the NeuroMovement Essentials as you learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. The lessons involve you lying, sitting or standing and moving slowly, subtly and gently at first, following the practitioner’s direction in response to what is seen and heard from you.
For people who cannot move easily, it is often recommended that someone is with you in the room as part of the lesson. The practitoner can also coach them in supporting you during the session and also teach them ways that they can provide more opportunities for positive brain growth for you in daily life. These lessons have the added advantage of being able to be recorded so that you can repeat the lessons at your leisure.
Requirements for Online At Home Coaching:
You’ll need to be able to run Zoom on your computer or device with both audio and video, using a reasonably stable internet connection.
We will give you an eBook to read and a short video to watch before your sessions.
The Online At Home Coaching has the wonderful advantage of the Practitioner being able to interact with the family in the comfort of their own home, with real time support, to learn how to wake up the brains of all concerned and discover more ease and vitality of all aspects of life. With the focus of teaching, coaching and applying NeuroMovement Essentials, learning happens at the pace of all involved, parent and child, and is able to be extra responsive to what is happening at that moment. This enables the learning to be directly and immediately applicable and relevant to everyday life.
During the sessions the parent is coached whilst doing some everyday life activities with their child (cooking, drawing, chatting, massage, games etc.) and later explores with the practitioner how to further enhance learning in any daily life opportunity in a practical way. The parent then practices the tools and recommendations shared for up to a few days before coming back for the next session and to further fine tune the application of this approach.
Parents learn how they can use the 9 Essentials in the whole of their lives with their child to boost learning opportunities for their child, and enable improved self-regulation. People report and experience improved quality of life, more ease, calmness and enjoyment in interactions. Sessions can address and find solutions to ongoing daily life issues families might be having such as meltdowns, fussiness with food, lack of responsiveness, anxiety issues, etc.
These sessions have the added advantage of being able to be recorded so that parents or the child can rewatch them at their leisure.
Sessions are usually done in clusters of four 30 minute sessions over 1 to 2 weeks followed by a Review session 10-14 days after. We require that the same caregiver is the recipient of all of the coaching sessions, though another caregiver can also be present to observe and help with the camera etc.
Requirements for Online At Home Coaching:
You’ll need to be able to run Zoom on your computer or device with both audio and video, using a reasonably stable internet connection.
We will give you an eBook to read and a short video to watch before your sessions.
We also highly recommend reading ‘Kids Beyond Limits’ by Anat Baniel.
FEEDBACK and testimonials:
This footage is from the NM-Online At Home Coaching training course run by Anat Baniel in Spring 2020, which Sean was part of.
Participating Caregiver Feedback:
Observing Caregiver Feedback:
Feedback from adult participants: